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Chapter 5 Exercise page 89

Chapter 5 Exercise page 89

Q Knauer 1 After you have read Practical Strategies Chapter 5, complete the following exercise: Page 89 - Evaluating Information from Internet Sources - Read the article and then answer the questions in the margin #1-3. Your method of sharing will be to write a 1-2 page summary, MLA format, and submit it here. Actions

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I think the title “Climate Change Truth File” would definitely grab readers attention not only because climate change is a popular topic but because of the controversy behind it. In all honesty, this title makes me less likely to consider the information authoritative because it’s trying so hard to grab readers attention and sounds aggressive in a sense that it’s the only accurate information on climate change. Due to this approach, from a reader's standpoint, it seems like a desperate attempt to get the reader's attention despite what they’re reading. If I were to go to this website I would want to make sure the information is as accurate as possible.